Science & Plants for Schools (SAPS): secondary and post-16 resources

Innovative and reliable practical activities to engage students with biology, focusing on plant science. Where appropriate, the resources include detailed background information for teachers and technicians, and questions to stimulate discussion with and between students.

The Science & Plants for Schools (SAPS) website includes over 200 resources, starter ideas, and articles, with new resources based around contemporary science added each term. Science & Plants for Schools has been supporting teachers for over twenty years, and is now based at the University of Cambridge, associated with the Department of Plant Sciences and the Botanic Garden.



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Investigations with ELISA: using SAPS ELISA kit for Botrylis

The SAPS ELISA kit for Botrytis has been developed as a low cost kit to bring practical immunology into the classroom. The monoclonal antibody in the kit detects Botrytis, a fungal pathogen. Botrytis infects plant material (such as strawberries, raspberries, tomatoes and flowers) and is of considerable importance...

Produced by Science & Plants for Schools (SAPS), these activities look at career opportunities in plant biology, as well as useful classroom activities and practical investigations. The range of careers and activities covered include:


Careers in Science

This is a collection of six teaching resources to help put science into a modern context of careers, including two resources for each of the age groups 11-14, 14-16 and post-16.

Each of the six resources brings together a careers case study with a contemporary scientist working in a different field,...

This collection of short interviews with scientists introduces contemporary science topics through conversation with some of the UK's leading researchers. 

Each of the videos is accompanied with a teachers' summary, plus student questions and answers.


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