These AMP activities are accessible to all secondary students. Around half the activities are abstract investigations and half are practical explorations set in realistic contexts. Suitability for group work, required equipment, key mathematical features, extension opportunities, etc. are touched on in the teachers' notes included in the PDF package for each activity.



Showing 11 result(s)

Golden Mazes

In this Nuffield resource rooms in a rectangular maze of rooms have bags with a varying number of gold coins. Students explore the effect of the route on the number of gold coins that can be collected.

The key processes involved in the activities are:

*Representing - identifying the mathematics...

Hide the Spies

This Nuffield activity is set in the context of a park. Students determine where spies should sit in the park that has a square grid of benches, interspersed by bushes, so that they cannot see each other. Students also investigate how many different arrangements of...

Paper Sizes

In this Nuffield investigation students study paper sizes in the A and B international series, exploring relationships within each series and between the series.

The key processes are:


Sending Texts

This Nuffield investigation involves determining the number of text messages sent if four people send texts to each other, and then extending this for different numbers of people.

*Key processes applicable to this...
