Animal handling & minibeast Lessons

Wiggly Wild Show

The world of minibeasts and invertebrates in your hands!

KS1 & KS2 curriculum linked workshops on a range of science topics, where pupils hold the animals and animal related items whilst learning, particularly good for kinesthetic learners. Workshops include habitats, lifecycles, evolution, adaptations, minibeasts, rainforests, reptiles & amphibians.

NEW KS3 & KS4 workshops & assemblies - please email me for details on the workshops that include classification, evolution, biodiversity, reproduction, feeding relationships & conservation, but can be tailored to your needs.

Forest school lessons and environmental education / field studies lessons can also be held in your school grounds, saving you travel time & money!

Animals shown or held include giant stick insects, scorpion, giant hissing cockroaches, hermit crabs, giant millipedes, giant snails, hedgehog, beetles, frog, newt, bearded dragon, mossy gecko & garter snakes.

Individual lessons start at £120 or a full primary day at £300 with discounts for SEN schools, multiple bookings or winter term.

Great for Open days, National British Science Week, Science clubs, SEN, STEM, Bug club, Gardening club, Special needs or G&T

To book this activity, please contact:
Cairis Hickey

Wiggly Wild Show
se12 0qe Lewisham London

The STEM Directory is provided as a service to support you in finding enrichment opportunities. The activities are offered by external providers and are not endorsed by STEM Learning. We are not responsible for their content or delivery.


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