The Detective Project - Crime Scene Investigation Workshops

The Detective Project

The Detective Project staff are all experienced ex- police, crime scene investigators or teachers.  We run investigations for students to get really 'hands on' with practical activities in forensic science that enrich the curriculum.

Workshops last from an hour to a day, so we can involve the whole school in one day or take one year group and run a full days activity with them.  We plan the day round your planned outcomes and timetable.

Example 1  A suspicious death crime scene is created for students to investigate before running their own forensic tests in small teams. They then present their theory and we decide a winner and award prizes.

Example 2  The school laptop has been stolen - the whole school is involved in the investigation. They visit the scene and search for evidence- differentiated by year group.  Then return to their classrooms to review the clues and work out an interview strategy (3 brave staff members act as suspects...)  The class then presents their theory during an assembly and the real cuprit is revealed!

We have many more ideas...... please contact us or take a look at the website.


Expected outcomes

We introduce the idea that it is science that solves crimes in the 21st Century.  Each session is an age appropriate crime scene focusing on topics from fingerprinting, evidence collection, marks and fibres, chromatography, DNA for detectives, fakes and forgeries to interviewing and presenting a case.

The workshop can be used as a cross curricular topic with STEM themes, plus it can also include history, geography and english.

Expect your students to be fully engaged in our exciting workshops - ideal for budding scientists but also a way of inspiring children who may not always engage with science subjects.

We have many school testimonials on the website.

To book this activity, please contact:
Jenny Williams
0117 2440053

The Detective Project
Country wide
BS9 1HD Bristol

The STEM Directory is provided as a service to support you in finding enrichment opportunities. The activities are offered by external providers and are not endorsed by STEM Learning. We are not responsible for their content or delivery.


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