Interactive Science Show

Be Experimental

Be Experimental can visit your school and perform one hour interactive science shows. We can run up to four sessions in a day to allow the whole school to take part. The children will get to be involved in the show and see and do experiments that are often not possible in class. At the end of each show there will be a question and answer session where they can ask the scientist presenting the show anything they like about science or their career.


The show has been written to tie in with the curriculum for excellence and covers not only relevant science topics but also activities about the nature of science and critical thinking.


We are based in Scotland and can visit schools in Central Scotland.

Expected outcomes

The aim of the show is to engage and excite the pupils. The pupils will see experiments that they might not normally get to see in school and our hope is that it will allow them to see science in a different light.The show has been written to cover various aspects of the curriculum for excellence and can be adpated to suit different age groups. We also have a question and answer session and children can ask the presenter about their science background, careers, general science questions or about the experiments they have just seen. Research(1) has found that having opportunities to meet real scientists allowed pupils to see themselves in a STEM career.


1 IRIS, EU 7th Framework Programme – Science in Society, Publishable Summary June 2012 – Interests and Recruitment in Science, Factors influencing recruitment, retention and gender equity in science, technology and mathematics higher education,

To book this activity, please contact:
Lindsay Murphy

8 Hopefield Gardens
ML2 0SB Wishaw North Lanarkshire

The STEM Directory is provided as a service to support you in finding enrichment opportunities. The activities are offered by external providers and are not endorsed by STEM Learning. We are not responsible for their content or delivery.


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