Light Lab Project

Light Lab Project

Lightlab Project provides STEAM workshops for children age 7-12 in the science and art of light.  The workshops lead children through a series of guided experiments with plenty of scope for self-discovery and learning.  Light Lab Explorer workshop looks at the electromagnetic spectrum and the functions of the eye. Shiny Science studies the science of mirrors and lenses. Both workshops are well resourced and are delivered by an experienced science communicator.  

Lightlab Project also run events for schools and community groups such as the Ultra Violet Drawing Room and the Ivo Kohler Experience that are exciting drop in activities as well as organising and arranging funding for Light Science Weeks incorporating workshops and events.

Expected outcomes

The children learn about the science of light from a creative perspective and explore through discovery as well as guided learning. The workshops are designed to be highly inspiring,  encouraging the children to engage more fully with STEAM subjects.

To book this activity, please contact:
Kenny Bean

Light Lab Project
United Kingdom

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