National Space Academy Careers Conferences - Year 10 and 12

National Space Academy

The UK Space Industry has an annual turnover of £11bn and employs close to 35,000 people. It is a very healthy sector with projected growth to £14bn by 2020. In order to meet this growth target the industry needs young people to choose science and engineering options and decide to work in this area. The variety of jobs available within the space industry is vast and many companies work on international projects highlighting the importance of collaboration.

The National Space Academy organises a number of careers events focused on the UK Space Industry throughout the year to showcase the companies, institutions and careers pathways available to young people.

Upcoming events:

Year 10

Monday 18th June 2018

Monday 9th July 2018

Year 12

Monday 5th November 2018

Monday 26th November 2018

Expected outcomes

Aimed at 14 – 17 years, the Year 10 and 12 Careers Conferences aim to raise the profile of the space sector to show the diversity of careers, both academic and vocational, available within the sector. The key objective of these events is to make students are aware of the exciting varied space related career paths they can choose, which will encourage them to study STEM subjects at the higher levels.

The day involves a series of talks and presentations, from various companies and/or universities within the sector, and the students get the chance to pick which speakers they would like to see most (year 10). We also provide a ‘meet the scientist’ exhibition style section to the day, where the students will get the chance to speak directly to speakers, with the opportunity to ask any question they have about the work they do, while the presenters showcase some of their specialist equipment (year 12).

These events end with a specialist keynote speaker.

To book this activity, please contact:
Lorna Palmer

The National Space Centre
Exploration Drive
United Kingdom

The STEM Directory is provided as a service to support you in finding enrichment opportunities. The activities are offered by external providers and are not endorsed by STEM Learning. We are not responsible for their content or delivery.


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