SCoRE Programme: Lincolnshire

Lincolnshire County Council

SCoRE looks at energy use in school and the environmental context that surrounds it.  We teach students about the greenhouse effect and explore some of the impacts of carbon dioxide emissions in the atmosphere.

By the end of the programme, you will have;

  • Reduced energy consumption and energy bills in school - schools that have gone through the programme have reported between 10 - 15% reduction, using low- or no-cost methods!
  • Developed pupil skills in team work, leadership, communication, and problem solving.
  • Support on finding appropriate financing for energy efficiency and renewables investment.

Primary Programme

SCoRE is a pupil-led programme and is designed to have minimal impact on staff time.  We will train a small group of students in your school to become Lincolnshire Carbon Ambassadors.

Lincolnshire Carbon Ambassadors can;

  • Complete an energy audit of the school building.
  • Identify opportunities and develop an action plan.
  • Run a whole school behaviour change campaign.
  • Take electricity and gas meter readings and plot consumption profiles.

In addition they will;

  • Understand the importance of the greenhouse effect and the impact we have on it.
  • Be able to present potential energy efficiency projects to SLT and governors for approval.
  • Be able to recruit and train new members to the LCA team.

Secondary Programme

Includes all the elements of the Primary Programme above, but with additional scientific and mathematics content.

Your students will be able to;

  • Quantify the amount of energy consumed per room under given scenarios and convert into cost and carbon dioxide emissions.
  • Analyse energy consumption information to monitor performance.
  • Develop costed business cases for energy efficiency and renewable energy investments.
  • Review and refresh their action plan and identify new opportunities.

Programme details

  • A project officer will visit each SCoRE school a minimum of four times during a term of engagement to deliver an initial training workshop and at least three further support sessions.  Each visit will be between one and two hours long, depending on the school and activity.
  • The project officer works with a small group of pupils and designated staff member(s) to train them to identify areas to save money and energy around school through behaviour change, better management of existing systems and appropriate investment in technologies with short paybacks.
  • SCoRE assists in the development of an action plan which costs future options and provides business case(s) for investment, including advice and support in accessing finance. For Lincolnshire County Council maintained schools that can include interest free loans through the council's Salix fund.
  • SCoRE schools will also have access to bespoke lesson plans, that have been developed for KS1 to KS3.  These can be delivered 'in house' by your teaching staff or by a SCoRE Officer.  The lesson plans support topics from the National Curriculum and are aimed to further embed the SCoRE ethos across the whole school.
Expected outcomes


  • Reduced energy consumption and energy bills
    • SCoRE has been delivered to 230 schools and academies, resulting in an average reduction of 12% in electricity consumption and 34% in gas consumption compared to 15% increase in electricity consumption in non-SCoRE schools
  • Improved understanding of energy consumption through a bespoke whole school programme.
  • Access to a network of SCoRE schools to share energy saving practice and curriculum link ideas.
  • SCoRE is a flexible provision which fits around individual school commitments. Project officers can offer a tailored service to different building types and pupil levels.
  • The programme can be delivered to primary and secondary school students, of all ages and abilities. This includes SEND and infant schools.
  • SCoRE can be used as evidence for the Eco-schools framework (energy topic, energy audit skills, monitoring & evaluation), when working towards the Green Flag award.
To book this activity, please contact:
Anna Vince
01522 554816

Unit 7, Witham Park House
Waterside South
LN5 7JN Lincoln Lincolnshire

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