Theme Park Physics and Maths

Kemnay Academy

Dear STEM Community across the UK - please help us excite our pupils about Maths, Physics and Engineering.

We are designing a project around Theme Parks and Roller-coasters. 

Have you experience of working in this area or do you love theme parks and can apply your physics and maths knowledge to make this exciting and accessible for our secondary school pupils?

It's an interdisciplinary project (Maths and Physics) starting in August 2020 (planning now).  We're flexible on dates and welcome enquiries.  We're looking for virtual input / collaboration please as we're in Aberdeenshire, Scotland.

Thank you and please note I am working over the School Summer holidays so please do contact me.

Expected outcomes
  •  pupils will see relevance of physics and maths to the real world.
  • pupils will increase their understanding of forces and motion.
  • pupils will enjoy applying maths and physics to solve and design solutions.
  • STEM participants will enjoy sharing their knowledge and experience  with pupils and teachers.
To book this activity, please contact:
Chris Dunhill

Kemnay Academy, Bremner Way
AB51 5FW
United Kingdom

The STEM Directory is provided as a service to support you in finding enrichment opportunities. The activities are offered by external providers and are not endorsed by STEM Learning. We are not responsible for their content or delivery.


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