The Wonderstruck Supersonic Sideshow

Wonderstruck Ltd

An awesome exploration of the sonic world around us.

The Supersonic Sideshow investigates the link between vibration and sound and looks at how sound travels as a wave.  We explore making sound with different devices including springs, didgeridoos and a Theremin and we look at the effects that sound can produce when we create a sonic boom, smash a wineglass with high frequency sound and send a shockwave into the audience.

As with all Wonderstruck shows there's plenty of fire as we visualise a sound wave with a Ruben's flame tube,  look at resonance with a jet engine and explode some flammable gas.

The show is generally suitable for ages 7 upwards.

Expected outcomes

At the end of our Supersonic Sideshow we want everyone to know about the link between sound and vibration, that sound travels as a wave and it travels at diferent speeds in different substances.  

We also want everyone to know that there are lots of different ways of visualising sound and these different methods can be used to investigate properties such as frequency (pitch), wavelength and amplitude.

We can differentiate according to age and ability but, although younger children (under 7s) may appreciate the visual spectacle they may struggle with some of the intrinsic ideas.

To book this activity, please contact:
Peter Wright

Brandize Hill Farm
EX20 3HW
United Kingdom

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