Catalyst Magazine

Catalyst Magazine is a science journal for young people aged 14-19 and their educators. It brings STEM subjects to life with insights into cutting-edge scientific research and industry R&D exploring the practical applications of complex science in the world around us. Catalyst magazine is a digital only magazine, each edition is accompanied by Learning Notes that expand upon some of the content, providing opportunities to continue exploring the science, the careers and real world context.  Recent editions can be found on its own website:




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Articles in this issue of Catalyst include:

Discovering DNA

This article explores the structure of DNA and how it is copied across generations.


This issue of Catalyst includes the following articles:

A Life in Brine

Brine shrimps can easily be kept in a jar or aquarium. This article explores some aspects of their lives which are relevant to a GCSE science course....

This issue of Catalyst includes the following articles:

LED Lighting: a Bright Future

Electric light bulbs have been in use for over a century. They work, but they waste most of the energy they receive. Work is being done at...

This issue of Catalyst includes the following articles:

Fireworks: an Explosive Business

This article looks into how fireworks are made, set off and what gives them their particular colour or effect.

