The Solar Spark

The Solar Spark educational resources are produced by the SUPERGEN Excitonic Solar Cells Consortium. This is a group of research scientists from eight UK universities working together to do scientific research on Excitonic Solar Cells. Researchers work in the areas of polymer solar cells, dye-sensitised solar cells and tandem cells. They explore lots of relevant chemistry, physics and engineering behind the structure and design of these cells. The educational resources in this collection include practical activities that illustrate how solar photovoltaic cells work, future applications and the need for sustainable energy.



Showing 18 result(s)

Solar Cell Straws

Produced by Solar Spark, this is a simple practical activity that can be used to show how a solar photovoltaic cell works. During a 45-60 minute session, students make solar cells out of cheap and readily accessible materials. The mechanism behind the solar cell is similar to that used in a dye-sensitised solar...

Solar Cells and Light Absorption

Produced by Solar Spark, this activity looks at the relationship between light and absorption in solar cells. Using a photovoltaic cell and different colour acetate sheets, it demonstrates the ability of solar cells to absorb at different wavelengths of the electromagnetic spectrum and shows how the more it can...

Impact of Solar Power

Produced by Solar Spark, this activity allows students to consider the impacts of an available source of electricity on communities in developing nations. People who have unreliable or no access to electricity find their lives changed for the better if they do have access to reliable electricity. One of the ways of...

Energy Connections Card Sort

Produced by Solar Spark, this activity uses the format of a well-known TV game. Students are given collections of cards and they need to make the connections between them. Each set has a theme. The cards can be used to consider: * photovoltaic cells * solar energy * energy transfers * renewable energies.
