IET Education Resources

The IET Education programme has been developed by the Institution of Engineering and Technology, Europe’s largest professional organisation in the field. The aim is to introduce a new generation to the sheer excitement of science, technology and engineering.

These resources include cross-curricular classroom activities with accompanying film clips and downloadable supporting files such as presentations and handouts which can be tailored to students' needs.

The IET materials give a real insight into what it is like to be a scientist, technologist or engineer working at the cutting edge of technology. They investigate the problems that engineers face and the technologies behind their solutions and cover a variety of exciting areas.



Showing 60 result(s)

Saving the planet one journey at a time

This maths-based challenge explores sustainable travel, developing student understanding of the effects that some modes of transport have on the environment and ways of reducing it.

Students are asked to compare alternative methods of transport by calculating journey times and their carbon footprints.  The...

Writing a Flowchart

This engineering activity, suitable for children in computing lessons, looks at the basics of flowchart construction. Simple examples, such as the decisions made by a dog chasing a stick, are used to make flowchart representation of algorithms accessible to younger children. A simple design activity requires...

Computer Games vs Sport

The activity allows the students to explore social, ethical, economic and health issues relating to the use of Nintendo Wii compared to doing real sports and present their findings in a persuasive, coherent and focused argument. Students identify arguments for and...

Applications of Programmable Systems

In this activity, students examine how programmable systems have developed over time. Students use the internet to research a programmable system, place inventions correctly on a timeline and use information about developments in electronics, computing and materials to explain patterns in the development of...


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Faraday Challenges, POSTED BY