Chemistry - Oil Products

The films in this collection cover key topics in chemistry, including hydrocarbons, esters, alkanes, polymers, plastics and fractional distillation.



Showing 8 result(s)

Leaded and Unleaded Petrol

This film, from Twig World, looks at the dangers of tetraethyl lead in petrol.

The key points made in the film are:

•Lead was added to fuel to make it better for our engines. •However, lead is a dangerous pollutant. •It is toxic and damages our inner organs. Leaded fuel caused a health scare. •...

Plastics and Polymers *suitable for home teaching*

This film, from Twig World, looks at how plastics are made and how they can be manipulated to have very different functions. The key points made in the film are: •Plastics are synthetic materials called polymers. •Polymers are made of small molecules called monomers obtained from crude oil. •The plastic's...

Recycling Plastics *suitable for home teaching*

This film, from Twig World, looks at the differences between thermosetting, thermo softening and partially biodegradable plastics, and how they can be recycled.

The key points made in the film are:

A lot of plastic is thrown away and most is non-biodegradable Plastic can be recycled using mechanical...

Vegetable Oils As Fuel

This film, from Twig World, looks at the processes involved in using vegetable oil as a biofuel and whether it could become a viable alternative to fossil fuels.

The key points made in the film are:

•Vegetable oil is made of long chains of carbon atoms similar to diesel oil or gasoline. •Vegetable...
