IET Education careers collection

A collection of nine films featuring engineers at different career stages. The films present the daily work of an engineer, explain what engineering is and what it takes to have a successful career in engineering.



Showing 11 result(s)

Structural engineer

A video diary of Jonny, a structural engineer, who describes his usual working day and the project he currently works on. Jonny briefly presents the software he uses to design a building and how it helps him with the designing process. He then goes on to talk about building a high rise office tower in central...

Structural engineer-Katy

A video diary of Katy, a structural engineer. Katy describes her usual working day, shows her desk at her office and the building she currently works on.

Mechanical engineer

A video diary of Richard, a mechanical engineer. Richard explains what mechanical engineering is and how mechanical engineers ensure that buildings are comfortable to live and work in. He then goes on to explain how the cooling, heating and gas supply systems work in an office building.


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