Grand Challenge 3: Clean Growth

Heating and powering buildings accounts for 40% of our total energy usage in the UK. This resource collection explores how smart technologies can cut household energy bills, reduce demand for energy and reduce our carbon footprint.



Showing 12 result(s)

Sustainable Communities

This resource consists of a series of images, audio commentary and videos of sustainable design features in a community. These are:

Code Level 6 homes Wind Turbines Solar Panels Sustainable Urban Drainage Systems (SUDs).

The aim of the resource is to share some of the findings of an Economic and...

Zones 5 and 6: Smart Buildings

This Crystal exhibition resource from Siemens highlights the high levels of inefficiencies in most buildings and offers solutions such as smart buildings, reducing resources and making buildings more efficient. Super Cool Uniform is a design project where students need to research optimum working temperatures in...

The Monte Rosa Mountain Hut (11-14)

These activities from Siemens allow students to apply concepts of energy transfer and conservation to building design by challenging them to design a mountain hut. The challenge is introduced using the video, which emphasises the wild and potentially inhospitable nature of the environment that people need shelter...

Green School

This collection of resources from the Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET) uses the example of Howe Dell Primary School, which was designed with the principle of being a sustainable school, as a context for exploring a school's carbon footprint and the use of technology to reduce energy usage.

