In this video collection, professionals from a variety of careers discuss what they love about their jobs, how they got involved, and what other opportunities are out there.



Showing 13 result(s)

Environmental manager

David works for the Scottish Parliament as an environmental manager. He is responsible for trying to understand the environmental impact of the parliament, such as the amount of energy it uses.  The parliament has set itself challenging targets to reduce the amount of gas and electricity it uses through initiatives...

Project engineer

Chris is a project engineer with E.ON. In this video Chris explains how his physics teachers at school were the inspiration for him to go into his current role, following a school trip to a nuclear power station. He discusses his experiences after completing a degree in Aeronautical Engineering and how he went on...

Career Clips: Solar Energy Researcher

From the Institute of Physics, this eight minute film follows a PhD student as her research into photovoltaic cells takes her to an academic conference in Hawaii. This helps to illustrate how collaboration and communication is a big part of a scientist's work. We also see her at work back in the laboratory, where...

Physics Lives

These videos from the Institute of Physics look at the innovations made by four physicists and their potential impact on society.

[b]Air apparent[/b] asks the question “What if you could see the pollution around you?”. Mark Richards has developed a way to measure pollution using ultra-violet light....
