Resources by Wellcome Trust

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The Primary Science Specialist Programme: evaluation

Published in 2015, the Wellcome Trust worked with the National STEM Learning Centre and Network to develop an intensive continuing professional development (CPD) programme for primary teachers to improve their expertise, in order to become Primary Science Leaders in their schools.

The Trust commissioned the...

The story of pharma

These articles look at the history and development of drug making, and what has been learned by scientists on the way

The X Bacteria

In this practical protocol students investigate one way in which bacteria acquire antibiotic resistance through conjugation - horizontal gene transfer from one bacterial strain or species to another.

Plasmid-mediated evolution is fast because whole functional ‘modules’ are lost and gained, rather than the...


Published by the Wellcome Trust, the 'Big Picture' explores issues around biology and medicine. The human brain may be the most complex structure in the universe.

The brain is so powerful that it is attempting to...


Haemoglobin is a vital protein that transports oxygen around our bodies – how does it do this, and what role does the structure of proteins play in transport across cell membranes?

Transporting cholesterol around the body

Video animation explaining how cholesterol moves around the body.

Trypanosomiasis Life Cycle

Two animations, from the Wellcome Trust, illustrate the life cycle of the trypanosomiasis protozoan parasite. They illustrate the journey of these single celled parasites, which cause human African trypanosomiasis or sleeping sickness, from the gut of the tsetse fly...

Tuberculosis - Infection and Transmission

From the Wellcome Trust, this animation shows how the human immune system attempts to contain a tuberculosis infection and how the bacteria are transmitted to new people.

Tuberculosis usually affects the respiratory...

Unintended consequences

Look at some examples of unintended consequences from the use of statistics, covering communication, miscalculation, sampling error and reporting risk.

Using imaging to understand the brain

Learn about the different imaging techniques used to support research and diagnosis of disease.


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