Resources by National Association for Environmental Education

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Environmental education through STEM

This article looks at how STEM subjects can help students learn about key environmental issues using the National Association for Environmental Education's (NAEE) teacher handbooks about 'The Environmental Curriculum' and details of the 'Sustainable Development Goals' launched at the 2015 Paris agreement on climate...

Green Steel - The transition away from carbon

This information sheet gives educators background information on how the steel making process is changing in order to reduce or eliminate the amount of carbon dioxide produced in the process. It gives details on traditional steel making processes using carbon as the reductant and then discusses alternatives to...

The National Association for Environmental Education promotes environmental education and helps educators improve the quality of their teaching and their students' learning, in relation to environmental and sustainability issues.

This collection of resources looks at how environmental education can be...

The Environmental Curriculum - EYFS and primary

This handbook looks at opportunities for educators to introduce environmental education across the EYFS framework and primary national curriculum for England.

It looks at the curriculum and gives examples and case studies of how teachers can explore environmental issues with their students. It provides...

The Environmental Curriculum - key stages 3 & 4

This handbook looks at opportunities for educators to introduce environmental education across the national curriculum for key stages 3 and 4 in England.

It looks at the curriculum and gives examples and case studies of how teachers can explore environmental issues with their students. It provides...

This item is one of over 25,000 physical resources available from the Resources Collection. The Archive Collection covers over 50 years of curriculum development in the STEM subjects. The Contemporary Collection includes all the latest publications from UK educational publishers.

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