Resources by Natural History Museum

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1. Introduction - Saving Today’s Dinosaurs

This session introduces the 'Saving Today's Dinosaurs' course with a video which explains pupils will be thinking about the living things that humans share the planet with, how humans can have a positive or negative impact on the environment, and how we can help protect living things from extinction. Children will...

2. Stories of change - Saving Today’s Dinosaurs

These three 45 minute sessions follow on from the introductory session to 'Saving Today's Dinosaurs' and explore stories of how humans are trying to have a positive impact on the environment to address the problems of

2A - habitat loss...

3. The Big Challenge - Saving Today’s Dinosaurs

This session recaps the different types of human impact on birds and introduces the idea of migration and birds needing a network of places to rest and visit on their long journey. 

Pupils will combine everything they've learned in the previous 'Saving Today's...

4. Showcase day - Saving Today’s Dinosaurs

This session provides the materials needed to organise a 'showcase day' for pupils to share the creations and ideas they developed as part of the 'Saving Today's Dinosaurs' course. A template letter is provided for schools to invite guests to the event, and PowerPoint...

We share 99% of our genes with apes and even 66% with a tasty grape. In 99% Ape leading experts provide a clear and accessible guide to arguably the best idea that anyone has ever had, evolution by natural selection...

Birmingham: the big bird watch

In this activity, children develop field skills in animal identification and compare extinct animals with their living descendants. They take part in a 20 minute birdwatching survey in their school grounds, identifying and recording different birds that they see. They consider the characteristics of all birds, then...

This item is one of over 25,000 physical resources available from the Resources Collection. The Archive Collection covers over 50 years of curriculum development in the STEM subjects. The Contemporary Collection includes all the latest publications from UK educational publishers.

Dinosaur timeline

In this activity children create an arm-span timeline to help visualise a very long period of time. Working individually or in pairs they use their arm span to represent the whole age of the Earth, putting in key events in evolution.

This resource is part of a larger collection created to support Dippy on...

Dippy on tour

Aimed at primary aged children, this collection provides cross-curricular activities linked to the Dippy on Tour: A Natural History Adventure from 2020 which saw the Natural History Museum's iconic Diplodocus cast, Dippy, on a Natural History Adventure across the UK. Resources...

Dorset: Jurassic forest

In this resource children are challenged to create a Jurassic forest in the classroom. They explore the kinds of animals and plants that would have lived there and find similarities and differences to plants living today. The activities link to aspects of learning about living things in their environment and the...


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