Resources by Evans Brothers Limited

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Exploration Science provides the non-specialist primary teacher with a structured approach to physical science. Each of the five books deals with a specific topic.


This book will help teachers of children from three to elevan years old, student teachers and parents to recognise the contribution that play materials and games can make to the learning of mathematic. Ideas for activities with twenty games and play materials are given in sections, together wit suggestion for ways...

Image result for Design education in schools bernard aylward


Design Education in Schools discusses the new thinking and the approaches which become necessary if this development is to be realised and full advantage taken...

This item is one of over 25,000 physical resources available from the Resources Collection. The Archive Collection covers over 50 years of curriculum development in the STEM subjects. The Contemporary Collection includes the latest publications from UK educational publishers.

Basic primary maths topics from the late 1960s.

Basic primary maths topics from the 1960s.

Basic primary maths topics from the 1960s.

Basic primary maths topics from the 1960s.

Basic primary maths topics from the 1960s.

Exploration Science provides the non-specialist primary teacher with a structured approach to physical science. Each of the five books deals with a specific topic.



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