Resources by STEM Learning

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Displaying 311 - 320 of 321

Wildlife habitat

Students from Townley Grammar School for Girls created a product to encourage wildlife into gardens with the assistance of a STEM Ambassador.
Students used principles of good design, based on biomimicry, and commercial sense to make a prototype product for judging that would be commercially viable for a client...

Win win language

This STEM Learning resource collection aims to support STEM Ambassadors to highlight the top 10 employability skills to young people, with examples of activities and discussions to support young people to develop these skills in either school, college or other settings.  

This resource focuses on negotiation...

Win-win language


This STEM Learning resource collection aims to support STEM Ambassadors to highlight the top 10 employability skills to young people, with examples of activities and discussions to support young people to develop these skills in either school, college or other settings.  


World Cup activities grid

This resource highlights a variety of computing resources which can be adapted and used to inspire football or sports-themed activities. They can be used in the classroom to develop pupil's computing skills and knowledge. It’s not just about sport – these resources can also encourage young learners to think about...

Year 1 - Starters for Science * Suitable for Home Learning*


Year 2 - Starters for Science* Suitable for Home Learning*

Starters for science provides easy to run science activities suitable for children from 6-8 years of age.  ...

Year 3 - Starters for Science* Suitable for Home Learning*

Starters for science provides easy to run science activities suitable for children from  7-9 years of age.  ...

Year 4 - Starters for Science* Suitable for Home Learning*

Starters for science provides easy to run science activities suitable for children from 8-10 years of age.  ...

Year 5 - Starters for Science* Suitable for Home Learning*

Starters for science provides easy to run science activities suitable for children from 9-11 years of age.  ...


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