Resources by SMILE

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SMILE Activity List: Cards 0001-2403

The mathematics in SMILE is presented in the form of practical activities, games and investigations. They encourage an independent approach and are suitable for students from Key Stage 2 to 4

The Activity List identifies the card number and title, the attainment target, an abbreviation of the topic and the...


SMILE (Secondary Mathematics Individualised Learning Experiment) was initially developed as a series of practical activities for secondary school students by practising teachers in the 1970s. It became a complete individualised scheme based around a network of activity cards and assessments. The cards were...

SMILE Cards 1-719

The cards can be browsed to stimulate ideas for teaching. Alternatively use the Activity List to locate a particular card or topic.

SMILE Cards 1601-2150

The cards can be browsed to stimulate ideas for teaching. Alternatively use the Activity List to locate a particular card or topic.

SMILE Cards 2151-2403

The cards can be browsed to stimulate ideas for teaching. Alternatively use the Activity List to locate a particular card or topic.

SMILE Cards 720-1600

The cards can be browsed to stimulate ideas for teaching. Alternatively use the Activity List to locate a particular card or topic.

SMILE Cards Answers

This resource contains answers for all SMILE Cards with numbers that match the original card numbers. The most useful aspect may be that many of the cards also have hints and tips on how to approach the activity, with support or extension ideas too.

The mathematics on SMILE cards is presented in the form of practical activities, games and investigations. They encourage an independent approach and are suitable for students from Key Stage Two to Four. The cards originally formed a complete individualised mathematics scheme. The cards were organised so that each...

The SMILE booklets are a collection of stand alone booklets, part of the SMILE mathematics network of numbered workcards.

The collection includes:

*Tables booklets



*Action Fractions

*Action Decimals

*Decimals to Fractions and Back Again


SMILE Cards: Booklets - Tables Booklets

Contained within this pack are the worksheet originals for the tables booklets produced by SMILE.

There are eleven tables booklets, one for each of the times tables from two to twelve. Each table is presented in a...


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