Helen Spring's public profile

UsernameHelen Spring

Helen Spring (SpringLearning.co.uk) is an experienced primary-school teacher with a background in environmental education, primary science and CPD planning and delivery.

Helen leads in-school workshops for children, as well as after-school clubs, holiday events and bespoke CPD. This is often funded through the Intensive Enthuse Award.

As part of her freelance work, Helen leads the education programme at Howsham Mill in North Yorkshire. In addition to this, Helen works for York St John University and the University of Huddersfield as a Visiting Lecturer and acts as the Primary Science Quality Mark hub leader in York.

Helen worked in environmental education for a number of years, before re-training to be a primary school teacher. Whilst teaching, Helen focussed on Eco-Schools and Primary Science, leading her most-recent school to achieve a number of awards in these areas. When she left teaching, Helen worked at the National Science Learning Centre as a Professional Development Leader, planning and delivering courses for primary-school teachers, before setting up as an independent Primary Science and Outdoor Learning Specialist (SpringLearning.co.uk). Helen is now a qualified Level 3 Forest School leader and first-aider, with public liability insurance.
