Rachel Marchant's public profile

UsernameRachel Marchant
OrganisationDowns Junior School
Current RoleHead of department/Subject Lead

I am a STEM facilitator, an EdTech advisor and a Seesaw ambassador. Previously a classroom teacher, I now lead and teach Primary Computing across Brighton and Hove, a role I have developed over the last 7 years.

I relish the chance to learn, and am passionate about helping children, teachers and subject leads find and develop their strengths too. Through continued self-development, I strive to be the very best I can, improving my knowledge, my personal and professional practice. I have a thirst for driving change through the integration of technology, in life and in learning.

Through my work in schools, I have found how much I love to inspire others. I have embedded software into everyday school life and integrated the use of digital technology to enhance teaching and learning. As a Computing teacher and coordinator I have written and adapted computing curriculums, tailored to each school’s needs. Through a series of cross-curricular projects, I have driven engagement across subjects through the integration of digital skills and technology. With the right support, I believe anyone can learn to love technology.


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