Spacedetectives's public profile

OrganisationESERO UK
Current RoleITE Lead/Mentor

Jo has been a Space Outreach Educator for many years and has worked (and still does) with the likes of Exmoor National Park Dark Sky Reserve, The National Trust, various South West Astronomical Societies and BBC Stargazing Live.

In 2014, Jo "launched" the very successful "Space Detectives," which is a local business delivering Space Outreach Education to schools, community groups and public events. Specializing in teaching KS1 and KS2 children, Jo works predominantly in schools delivering workshops such as "Our Place in Space" and "To the Moon and Back."
In addition to working with schools, Jo also participates in various science festivals and events across the South West, taking her space science workshops out to a wider audience and the general public.

In 2015, Jo became the ESERO-UK Space Ambassador for the South West and by using her vast experience now also delivers STEM workshops within schools, using the context of Space.
Jo lives with her husband (who is an internationally acclaimed Astrophotographer) at their home observatory in Somerset.

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