Into our skies:dancing forward. Teachers in Wales only. NW036

This INSET training day will provide teachers with an opportunity to explore the potential of dance within the curriculum to support topic based/cross-curricular approaches to teaching and learning


This INSET training day will provide teachers with an opportunity to explore the potential of dance within the curriculum to support topic based/cross-curricular approaches to teaching and learning.With the aim of getting pupils up, moving and motivated this workshop day will build your confidence in creating, developing and physically exploring curriculum ideas and concepts through dance. Staff will be introduced to the building blocks of dance and practically use them to develop dance-based scheme of work ideas.
Needed:Participants should be prepared for a practical session with appropriate clothing and footwear and should have a clear and safe space to move in. They may also wish to have a pen/paper to hand to make notes. Some additional resources may be sent to the participants prior to the session but these will be provided.
Any enquiries, please email Wales Administrator:

Who is it for?

Teachers in Wales 

What topics are covered?

Dance and science 

How will you learn?

Remote delivery 

How long is this course?

1 day

Course Leaders

Joanne Pledger 


You will:
  • be able to confidently explore dance to teach STEM topics
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