VEX IQ: integrating robotics into your curriculum TY706 / B19

Start date
6 Mar 20
2 Days
National STEM Centre, University of York, York YO10 5DD How to find us



Are you a primary or secondary school teacher, head of department, technician or STEM coordinator looking for a hands-on and creative ways to deliver robotics as part of your curriculum? Get the inspiration and equipment to help you deliver subject content in computing, science, design and technology, and mathematics using the VEX IQ robotics platform. No previous experience in programming is necessary.

“It gave me the chance to do what I want the students to do and to be able to see the pitfalls or routes that they may take in order to achieve their final outcomes (built robot or completed code).” Course participant.

You will receive a VEX IQ Super Kit to use when back in school, enabling you to continue your robotics journey and compete in the VEX IQ Challenge.

Learn how to build basic VEX IQ models, program your models using ROBOTC and the VEXcode Blocks for IQ, discover how your kit can be used to solve real-life curriculum challenges, and encourage collaborative working, critical thinking and problem solving. Discover free teaching resources designed to achieve the best learning outcomes for your students.

Cover the requirements of the VEX IQ Challenge, a nationwide competition your students will be able to enter with the kit that you receive during the course.

“All the sessions were very useful. There is a huge range of online resources to support the use of this robotics system and the potential for the children to develop their creative flare is really exciting.” Course participant.

This is a residential course, fees include meals and accommodation for the duration of the course.



You will be able to:

  • build basic VEX IQ models for use in the classroom
  • program your model using ROBOTC Graphical and the VEXcode Blocks for IQ
  • understand how robotics can be used to meet the National Curriculum requirements for design and technology and computing
  • compete in the VEX IQ Challenge as an extra curricular activity


VEX IQ: integrating robotics into your curriculum - day 106 March 202010:00-18:30National STEM Centre
VEX IQ: integrating robotics into your curriculum - day 207 March 202009:00-15:00National STEM Centre

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