Building confidence as a non-specialist secondary mathematics teacher MY213 / A23

Start date
19 Jul 24
2 Days
National STEM Learning Centre, Siwards Way, York YO10 5DD How to find us

This course still has availability, book now


Do you want to feel more inspired, confident and increase your knowledge and skills when teaching mathematics even though mathematics is not your specialism?

In this intensive residential course, you will work with experienced teachers of mathematics in a supportive environment to explore the characteristics of good maths teaching. You will develop strategies to support your students and deepen understanding.  

During the course we will cover strategies to teach algebra for understanding, build and understanding of ratio and proportion on a firm foundation of multiplicative reasoning, use manipulatives and multiple representations, and develop approaches to problem solving.


Who is the course leader?

  • Michael Anderson

    I am a Mathematics Subject Specialist for STEM Learning. Based at the National STEM Learning Centre in York, I support with secondary mathematics...


You will be able to:

  • understand what is good mathematics teaching
  • learn how to overcome the difficulties typically faced by non-specialist teachers
  • teach for deeper understanding: making connections
  • build resilience: helping students to help themselves
  • develop questioning techniques to encourage mathematical thinking


Building confidence as a non-specialist secondary mathematics teacher- day 119 July 202411:00-18:00National STEM Learning Centre
Building confidence as a non-specialist secondary mathematics teacher- day 220 July 202409:00-16:00National STEM Learning Centre




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Fees & Subsidies

This course still has availability, book now

Additional information

If the course you would like to attend is fully booked, please contact to express your interest in being added to a waiting list. We will contact you when the course is due to run again.

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