Leading development in your science department RP310

Explore ways to improve student outcomes in science through creative approaches to teaching, learning and assessment.


This course is designed for science teachers who have the opportunity to lead change in their department. If you are a science curriculum leader or in a position of lead practitioner in your science department and you want to improve the student outcomes in science, then this course is for you.

The initial session will identify the strengths and weaknesses of your department and decide the area that you most want to develop.

The sequence of three afternoon sessions, with gap tasks, will help you to evaluate the effectiveness of different approaches to enable you to deliver sustained improvements in your department.

Equipped with these skills you will be able to lead your department in adapting cohesively to a changing educational landscape with quality first teaching and outcomes for pupils as a priority.


You will be able to:

  • explore creative approaches to teaching and learning in science, translating ideas into relevant practice
  • consider the intended outcomes of different activities and their effectiveness in providing embedded and ongoing improvements in the teaching and learning of science
  • evaluate the impact of different activities on pupil outcomes, through formative assessment of teaching and learning and pedagogical discussion
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