Triple science training events RP799


The triple science training events are for all current, inexperienced, triple science advisors, SLP based triple science advisors with limited experience of delivering the programme and potential SLP triple science advisors to attend. SLP leads may also benefit from the wider overview of the Triple Science process to enable them to help build capacity and sustainability within the SLP for triple science support. The benefits of triple science to schools will be covered in the session to ensure that messages delivered are consistent and appropriate to the programme, which aims to increase the numbers of students studying and being entered for triple science during the support period.  This is also an opportunity to network with other advisors and share strategies that have impact with school engagement. 


Sessions will aim to address the issues that were identified as part of the triple science audit to ensure that action plans are submitted with a focus on generating the best outcomes for participating schools, whilst also generating appropriate levels of delivery and engagement to be of benefit to Science Learning Partnerships and STEM Ambassador Hubs as well as other areas of the STEM Learning offer. The activity is also designed to help and support Science Learning Partnerships to build capacity within their organisation to enable to undertake more work in-house and as a result help build sustainability. 

Outline of the day:

Session 1 - 'Introduction: Triple Science - an overview'

Session 2 - 'Selecting, contacting and engaging schools'

Session 3 - 'The consultancy visit'

Session 4 - 'Further visits and follow up'

Session 5 - 'Review and Q&A'


Participants will :

  • Understand and be able to communicate the importance and benefits of triple science  and the support available
  • Undertake more effective and challenging conversations with schools 
  • Develop the skills to be able to write clear and effective action plans of consistently high quality
  • Provide support for schools that ensures impact and value for money

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