Amgen Biotech Experience - Expert


A unique opportunity to participate in training about the teaching of Biotechnology and to gain access to free laboratory grade Biotechnology equipment and consumables.

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* ½ day course for teachers and technicians

* £30 total fee to cover all CPD and the free loan of lab

grade equipment and all consumables


This course is only open to teachers and technicians who have previously completed all other Amgen Biotech Experience (ABE) courses (Original, Extension, Additional and Advanced). Schools that have previously participated must attend this training, or send a different technician and/or teacher on one of the other training courses in order to borrow the kits and be provided with unlimited consumables for free. If you have any queries about this, please contact Alison McCree ( We would also welcome queries about providing in-school Biotechnology training for departments on their INSET days.


More information


The Science Learning Centre for Central England, the Faculty of Education at the University of Cambridge and the Teacher Scientist Network secured a further grant from the Amgen Foundation to bring Biotechnology to life in secondary schools and colleges. We are recruiting new schools now for June 2015. It would be great if you would consider taking part in the programme again following your previous involvement.

The course will provide the opportunity (i) to gain up-to-date knowledge of progress in the field of Molecular Biology, (ii) to exchange ideas on pedagogies and use of Molecular Biology in the classroom, (iii) to identify opportunities for use of Molecular Biology to fit with the new A level specifications from September 2015, and (iv) to keep practical skills relevant while discovering new activities for use in the classroom. We will be using research grade equipment, including Gilson micropipettes and Biorad gel electrophoresis tanks. After participating in the CPD, each school will be able to borrow the equipment for use within their classrooms. Participants will also be given an unlimited quantity of consumables free of charge for use in these lessons (including all necessary reagents). A booking system is agreed that rotates equipment around participating schools.


This is an intensive course which will include essential pre-course reading and preparation. It will require a level of commitment from both teachers and technicians so that the programme can be used in lessons. It offers an unparalleled opportunity to learn and implement Biotechnology for teachers, technicians and students. We offer support to participating schools in following years with new practical opportunities, updated materials and continued consumable provisions/equipment loans.


How will it work?


We are asking one teacher and one technician from each participating school to attend a half day training event. Please select which location is most suitable for you.


How is it appropriate to the curriculum?


An expanding part of the A2 specification relates to genomes, DNA and its manipulation. The series of practical experiments that the ABE programme offers will link to A2 students’ required knowledge and provide invaluable experience for those planning further study in this area. It is also relevant to KS4 and an abbreviated version would provide an excellent opportunity for students to extend their knowledge, develop practical skills and gain insight into the techniques which underpin practical research in this area.


How much will the course cost?


The cost to each participating school is £30 in total. This covers the basic costs of sending both a teacher and technician to the training. The Amgen Foundation is funding all other aspects of the program. This fee covers the cost of the training for one teacher and one technician, the loan of extensive research grade equipment and all necessary consumables to run the practical activities in school.


How do I apply?


There are limited places on this programme. Places will be allocated to schools on a first come, first served basis. Participating schools and colleges will be required to collect and return kits before and after the designated loan period from the Faculty of Education, Cambridge. Please only register for the programme if you are able to do this. For any queries please contact Alison McCree directly Alternatively, please call the Science Learning Centre on 01992 503498.


Places will be bookable from April 2015:





  • Gain knowledge in Biotechnology theory and practical skills, including; accurate use of micropipettes, DNA manipulation (restriction enzyme digestion and ligation), agarose gel electrophoresis and in situ staining of DNA in agarose gels.

  • Provide access to research-grade biotechnology resources for participating schools, including micropipettes, gel electrophoresis equipment and all necessary consumables.



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Let us know and we'll be in touch


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