Triple Science: Preparing for Linear Assessment - Consultancy RP789


TSSP logoThis gives supported schools the opportunity to request additional support with an adviser beyond their allocated direct support to address potential barriers for teachers and students in responding to the move to the Linear Assessment model. Consultancy can cover issues such as progression, tracking progress and how best to structure learning so students gain a deep, long term understanding of the science.

Support materials for these areas have been developed specifically as part of the programme.


By the end of the consultancy session science subject leaders and their school will have:

  • identify areas for further development so as to best prepare students for linear assessment
  • evaluate current practice and identify any enhancements in provision required
  • plan specific actions to improve student’s preparation for linear assessment


Thanks to funding from the Department for Education, schools which are part of the Triple Science Support Programme (TSSP) will be eligible for funding covering the entire Continuing Professional Development (CPD) fee. To find out whether your school is part of the TSSP programme please contact us.

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