Leading primary science RX005

This course will ensure participants are familiar with the expectations of the National Curriculum and will enable them to develop this to suit the needs of their school community. The course will support subject leaders to clearly define the intent of their curriculum and enable them to effectively support teachers to implement it successfully.


School pupils are likely to have missed some core learning which will require your long-term curriculum map to be adjusted in the short-term. This course supports subject leaders to clearly define the curriculum across the school and enable them to effectively support teachers, implementing it successfully in the classroom.


You will be able to:

  • identify key features of a successful curriculum
  • take ownership of the intent of your science curriculum 
  • prepare your teachers to implement your science curriculum 
  • successfully carry out the key roles of a science subject leader to ensure successful implementation

Book now and you will be automatically registered for the scheduled sessions for the course. Remote CPD courses have live, Professional Development Leader-led sessions and are not available for instant access. Please refer to the schedule of dates published for each course instance.

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