Measuring impact and Gaining Recognition – STEM Club Workshop GX104

A workshop to help club leaders measure the benefits and impact that clubs have on students and on club leaders. Section 1: Review of the clubs – brief overview from each of the attendees, what methods do they currently use to measure impact if any, what do they hope to achieve today What is a Thriving and Successful club? - understanding the key factors that make a club successful and thriving, how this relates to impact and gaining recognition STEM Clubs Abroad – how are clubs viewed abroad and how do they maximise benefit and impact on students, what lessons can we learn. Why Measuring Impact is Important – discussion on the benefits and evidence gathered to date; examples of how students have been positively impacted – from improving understanding of STEM subjects and increased skills sets to choosing a STEM career and returning to the school to influence other students. Includes case studies on students and how STEM Clubs benefit and impact teachers, technicians own skill sets, knowledge etc. Discuss how evidence can support club leaders to gain support from the school, potentially when looking for funding and to raise awareness of the importance of STEM subjects and the role clubs play to parents. Benchmark student progress. Science Capital – review and discussion on what it is and how club leaders can use it to boost impact on the students. Sharing Impact and Recognition – how club leaders can utilise impact evidence to support the schools STEM agenda and gain support from senior leadership, colleagues, parents, local industry, community and students. Create opportunities to demonstrate STEM Clubs effect on student attainment, enjoyment and understanding of STEM subjects helping to boost STEM skills, careers awareness and enhance employability skills. Practical Activities Section 2: What Tools And Methodology Exists – review of the various tools and methodology available STEM Clubs Student Impact Toolkit – review of the tool kit and how it can be used to


The workshop will enable club leaders to gain insight into impact measurement, experience of using impact toolkits, how to create measurement tools and how to gain recognition for the club and students. The workshop is for teachers or technicians from secondary schools, Sixth Form and FE colleges across England with KS3, KS4 or KS5 provision. This regionally based face to face course lasts approximately 2 hours and enables course attendees to network, share ideas and best practice.  The workshop includes practical club activities to try. The workshop explores the following topics:

  • how STEM clubs are viewed abroad and the lessons we can learn from their methodology  
  • why measuring impact is important and the evidence that supports the value of STEM Clubs
  • impact and recognition and how to use evidence to support the school’s STEM agenda
  • different types of methodology and tools and when to use them
  • STEM Clubs student attitudinal impact toolkit and the ESERO-UK Space Education quality Mark
  • how clubs can gain recognition and the value of award schemes, competitions, club showcases and digital badging 


By the end of this workshop, you will be able to:

  • develop an impact evaluation plan and methodology utilising impact toolkits and student evaluation tools
  • identify the type of evidence gathering you will utilise in the club and with whom: students, parent, local industry, colleagues etc.
  • categorise to what extent your club currently impacts on student understanding and enjoyment of STEM subjects, student attainment and student STEM identity
  • develop a plan to recognise and reward student achievement and the success of the club
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