How to be successful and thriving - STEM Club Workshop GX102

Designed for more experienced club leaders of established clubs 18 months and older, this workshop focuses on how to sustain the STEM Club, keep it vibrant and thriving. Section 1: • Review of the clubs – brief overview from each of the attendees, what activities they do, what links they have, what do they want to achieve etc. • What is a Thriving and Successful club? - understanding the key factors that make a club successful and thriving • Maintaining interest – senior leadership, parents, local industry, community and students: how to engage, maintain or revitalise interest: taster sessions, advertise and promote success, making it fun and exciting; link to current or local topics, support curricular needs • Sharing Best Practice – creating a support network, how club leaders can provide support and collaborate: run joint initiatives, provide projects, share subject expertise, attend another schools club session, provide opportunities for students in different schools to meet, greet and collaborate • Enhancing Student Engagement – engage students in running the club – opportunities for responsibility, choosing projects, mentoring younger students. Promote potential careers and enhance employability and essential skills; utilise STEM Ambassadors • Impact and Recognition – gather evidence and understand the benefits and impact of student evaluation, add rewards and recognition to club activities such as CREST Awards, demonstrate how clubs add benefit to school, create opportunities to showcase excellence and student projects Practical Activities Section 2: • Activities and Projects – identifying challenges, competitions, projects and activities that engage student interest, potential pitfalls, solutions etc. Planning Club Activities – timeframes, what projects, additional club activities – trips / visits / visitors • Finding Funding - raising awareness, identify funding sources and grants available nationally, regionally and locally; club leaders explain where


Club leaders will gain inspiration, ideas, and practical tips for developing their club, as well as an understanding of the importance of STEM Clubs and an appreciation of the vital role the STEM Club leader has in supporting and enthusing students. The workshop is for teachers or technicians from secondary schools, Sixth Form and FE colleges across England with KS3, KS4 or KS5 provision. This regionally based face to face course lasts approximately 2 hours and enables course attendees to network, share ideas and best practice.  The workshop includes practical club activities to try. The workshop explores the following topics:

  • defining what makes a club ‘Thriving and Successful’
  • maintaining the interest of senior leadership, students, colleagues, and wider community
  • how club leader skills translate into the classroom
  • promoting best practice through support networks and collaboration 
  • enhancing student engagement and stretching capabilities
  • engaging student interest through activities, competitions, and longer-term projects
  • the value of trips and visitors
  • exploring how to apply for grants and the information needed
  • generating opportunities, ideas or projects that could produce funding


By the end of this workshop, you will be able to:

    • identify successful and thriving factors for your club to focus on to increase student interest and attendance and reinvigorate support from colleagues and senior management
    • identify and embed opportunities to enhance student engagement and capabilities
    • plan long term projects and engagement with a broader range of STEM subject projects
    • create a plan to generate club funding and improve your grant application skills
    • develop a portfolio of evidence, recording the impact and benefits of your club

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