An introduction to the mathematical requirements of T Level Science RX066

These courses provide an introduction to the General Mathematical Competencies embedded throughout the T Level science qualification.


Are you looking to develop your students' mathematical competencies in T Level* Science? These short courses, part of a suite designed to support the teaching of the general mathematics competences in the T Level Science (and Health/Healthcare Science) specifications, develops general mathematics competencies.

This suite of short professional development courses has been developed to provide an introduction to the general mathematical competencies which are embedded throughout the T level Health/HealthCare Science/Science qualifications. Each course will develop pedagogy, mathematical subject knowledge and highlight resources suitable for classroom use.

Each course in the suite is also available to be booked separately:

RX058 An introduction to teaching the general mathematics competencies of T Level science

RX059 Mathematical competencies of T Level science: Teaching proportion

RX060 Mathematical competencies of T Level science: Teaching probability and statistics

RX061 Mathematical competencies of T Level science: Applying mathematical skills

Who is it for?

The course is suitable for teachers or department/faculty leaders that are planning to teach T Level Science (or T Level Health or Healthcare science) in schools or colleges and who wish to improve their ability to teach mathematical skills and competencies. 

What topics are covered?

The courses will cover:

  • General mathematics competencies
  • Proportion
  • Probability and statistics
  • Applying mathematical skills 

How will you learn?

The courses are delivered remotely via adobe connect with some participant led tasks to be completed after episodes. Each course links to others in the series - they can be studied individually or as part of a collective. 

How long is this course?

8 hours 


  • Understand the reasons why some students struggle with mathematical competencies
  • Consider methods that can be used to build students' understanding
  • Explore a range of teaching strategies and resources that can be used to develop students' confidence and skills    


This course relates to the T Level Technical Qualification in Science (Level 3) and has been developed alongside supporting provision from NCFE 1.
‘T Level’ is a registered trademark of the Institute for Apprenticeships and Technical Education. 
The T Level is a qualification approved and managed by the Institute for Apprenticeships and Technical Education.

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