Enrichment activities for the topic of space - teachers in Wales only NW229

A one day course offering KS3 teachers in Wales a greater understanding of the resources available to enrich the topic: Space



This secondary STEM workshop will cover many aspects of KS3 science, with resources based on topics including material science (spacesuits), astronomy and space science (ESERO-UK, JWST) and studies of the solar system (astrobiology; using robotic telescopes; classroom and online simulations). It will include an overview of the huge archive of classroom resources, training programmes and the Space Education Quality Mark scheme from the European Space Education Resource Office (ESERO), and an introduction to the James Webb Space Telescope, which will launch on December 18th.

The first session of the day will explore space suits and material chemistry. You’ll get hands-on exploring a loan box from Cardiff University and the Royal Society of Chemistry that can be used to run a lab-based workshop for KS3 students. The workshop challenges students to design a functional space suit within a set budget, exploring several chemistry and physics topics and providing opportunities for students to practise skills such as team work, resource management and critical thinking.

The day will end with a look at some new resources available in topical studies of the solar system, including astrobiology (combining chemistry, biology and physics with the study of Mars) and using robotic telescopes to help researchers study comets.

Optional tour of the New Science Capital Extension at Techniquest after the last session ends.

Any queries: please email joss@techniquest.org

Who is it for?

KS3 Teachers in Wales

What topics are covered?

Material science (spacesuits), astronomy and space science (ESERO-UK, JWST) and studies of the solar system (astrobiology; using robotic telescopes; classroom and online simulations).

How will you learn?

Face to face

How long is this course?

One day



  • to have a greater understanding of the resources available to enrich the topic: Space
  • to have more confidence in using those resources.
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