Using MyLearning as a Professional Development Leader FD019

This short course will support you with understanding the functionality of the platform and will explain the rationale behind some of the components that you will find when leading CPD.


This short course will support you with understanding the functionality of the platform and will explain the rationale behind some of the components that you will find when leading CPD.

Who is it for?

This course is designed for Professional Development Leaders who wish to extend their knowledge of MyLearning


What topics are covered?

This course covers:

  • what MyLearning is,
  • the functionality of MyLearning (with particular focus on course resources and discussions)
  • how other aspects of the STEM Learning offer align and interact with MyLearning.

How will you learn?

This course is not facilitated. You can learn independently or with colleagues to directly address your individual needs.

How long is this course?

This course takes around 1 hour to complete and you do not need to be online at any specific time. You can take the course at your own pace.


By the end of this course you will be able to:

  • make active use of MyLearning to support participants before, during and after their professional learning.

  • reflect on your role in using online discussion as part of leading CPD

  • add or change resource files within a MyLearning course

  • reflect on the impact and evaluation process and the benefits to participants, schools and your course leadership.

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