Summer school for developing teachers beyond the Early Career Framework NY338


Ensure that your developing teachers are supported to improve their subject and pedagogical knowledge over time (as suggested in the Ofsted Science Subject Review) by booking them onto this summer school.  A range of workshops explores different aspects of pedagogy and participants are supported to consider which to develop in their own setting and to write an action plan for this. Follow up network sessions (4) provide group coaching support for participants working with others who are focused on a similar aspect of practice.  This will enable the sharing of successes and consideration of how to continue to refine classroom practice through discussion with experienced expert professional development leaders, who will help participants to achieve outcomes more effectively.

What topics are covered?

  • Assessment for learning
  • Questioning
  • Getting more from practical work a focus on questioning and assessment of practical work.
  • Alternative practical ideas – different ways of teaching some of the topics on which the required practicals are based.
  • Tailoring lessons to meet the needs of your learners – adaptive teaching – supporting lower attainers
  • Tailoring lessons to meet the needs of your learners – adaptive teaching – stretch & challenge
  • Planning – from a curriculum perspective
  • Embedding enrichment into the science curriculum

How will you learn?

Both face to face and remotely. 

How long is this course?

Two days face-to-face with four follow up remote sessions.


  • Explore different pedagogies to enhance classroom practice and strengthen subject knowledge expertise
  • Consider the adjustments you will need to apply to your context
  • Identify one aspect of your practice to develop and produce an action plan with measurable outcomes

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