ENTHUSE Partnerships Advisor Inductions EA001

This is an INVITE ONLY termly forum meeting for ENTHUSE Partnership Advisors.


ENTHUSE Partnerships are a collaborative programme designed to inspire young people in STEM subjects and careers. They bring together groups of schools and/or colleges to work together to improve outcomes for their young people.

As an Advisor, you will

  • Work with the Partnership to establish its network and leadership team

  • Work with the Partnership to complete a structured needs analysis and action plan, drawing on recommended frameworks of support to help guide activity planning to meet the partnership aims

  • Work with the Partnership to retain all partners for the duration of support

  • Develop the Partnership’s capacity for leadership

  • Work with STEM Learning and their Network partners to identify appropriate professional development opportunities and STEM Ambassador engagement for the Partnership

  • Provide guidance on suitable activities for students and community engagement

  • Work with STEM Learning to monitor the performance of the Partnership, escalating issues as they arise

  • Help to ensure that STEM Learning and its funders receive value for money from their investment in the programme

  • Stay up to date with local and national developments in STEM Learning’s support through the webinar series, Advisor forums and STEM Community Groups

The support and guidance you provide as an Advisor is an essential part of ensuring the success of the ENTHUSE Partnership.

This induction course will help you begin your journey as an ENTHUSE Partnership Advisor.

Who is it for?

New Advisors to the ENTHUSE Partnership programme

How will you learn?

This is a remote CPD activity delivered live at specific dates and times across the year.

How long is this course?

2 hours


By the end of the course, you will be able to:

  • Explain our vision for an ENTHUSE partnership

  • Communicate the benefits to schools of being part of the ENTHUSE Partnership programme

  • Support schools to initiate an ENTHUSE Partnership

  • Work with schools to carry out an effective needs analysis, create an action plan and to evaluate the impact this has had

Scheduled courses

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