An Introduction to A Level Computer Science - residential CP268

An introduction to A level computer science for those new to teaching the subject or who want to improve their subject knowledge.


Begin your journey into the world of teaching A level Computer Science. This two-day residential will help you with the pre-learning required to allow you to teach A level Computer Science. You’ll explore the foundational knowledge needed so that you can help support students develop their programming skills. You’ll explore mathematical content required to deliver the subject; you’ll explore how the mathematical content extends from GCSE.

Programming is a key element of the A Level qualification, you’ll go deep into learning how to use sub programs, such as procedures and functions. You will develop your knowledge on how to use indexing, which will support your ability to use lists and arrays. You may have used external files whilst teaching GCSE computer science, you’ll extend your knowledge of using external files and how these can be combined with data structures. You’ll build confidence and understanding of how to deal with more complex errors, which can then help students with their projects.

Binary and hexadecimal a fundamental within computer science, you’ll explore using sign and magnitude, and two’s complement. You’ll be supported to explain negative numbers to students as well as floating point representation.  

During day 2, you’ll build your knowledge on using assembly language. During this session, you’ll discover the differences between high level code and assembly language. You’ll explore the different mnemonics that exist and how these can be used to write programs.


Across the two days you’ll complete the following courses:

  • Introduction to A level programming
  • Introduction to Maths in A level Computer Science
  • Assembly language in A level Computer Science


Residential information:

This is a residential course at the National STEM Learning Centre, York. Meals and overnight accommodation are included for participants for the duration of the course. Subsidies are also available for teachers from state-funded schools and colleges which can be used towards travel, supply cover, teaching equipment or further local CPD.

If participants wish stay to spend the night before the residential in York, bed and breakfast will be available at the centre’s on-site accommodation at a discounted rate of £45+VAT. Participants can email to secure this rate, providing their course booking information and confirming the night(s) they would like to stay.

Who is it for?

This is aimed at teachers who are either new to teaching A Level Computer Science or those who want to upskill themselves in the areas it covers.

What topics are covered?

Across the two days you’ll complete the following courses:

  • Introduction to A level programming
  • Introduction to Maths in A level Computer Science
  • Assembly language in A level Computer Science

How will you learn?

Hands-on experiential learning with the collaborative support of your peers. Expert advice and instruction on the A Level curriculum and the expectations of a computer science teacher, from experienced classroom practitioners.

How long is this course?

You’ll complete three courses from our A Level offering, totalling approximately 12 hours, split across two days.


By the end of this intensive CPD pathway you will be able to:

  • Expand your knowledge of using functions and procedures including using functions inside of functions.
  • Learn the differences between passing by reference and passing by value and why both approaches exist.
  • Develop your knowledge of using indexing alongside using lists and arrays in programming;
  • Learn how to handle exceptions that can occur in programs due to the user's inputs;
  • Upgrade your knowledge of binary to include representing negative and decimal numbers;
  • Learn the rules to convert decimal numbers into floating point and reversing this process;
  • Learn the rules of adding and subtracting floating point numbers;
  • Learn how to use a range of assembly language commands to create programs for little man computer questions.

Scheduled courses

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