Help! How do I lead primary computing? - residential CP015

During this two day residential, you’ll gain essential skills and knowledge to lead computing in your school. Covering key areas such as your role as a subject leader, curriculum, assessment and supporting other staff, you will be equipped able to lead computing with confidence.


If you are new to leading primary computing, this CPD will develop your understanding of the role of a subject leader and support you to plan for improvements across the school. After helping you understand your role as a leader of computing, day one will dive into curriculum and assessment. You’ll explore your curriculum intent and implementation, evaluate a range of assessment approaches within computing and understand how to use these to monitor progression.

Day two will focus on raising the profile of computing in your school, though enriching the curriculum and bringing staff on board with the subject. Explore how to successfully manage change, and how to support others to teach computing effectively. Finally, you’ll discover a range of enrichment activities which can bring computing to life, and consider how you could implement these in your school. Across the two days, you’ll complete the following courses:

Completing this CPD will contribute towards recognised certification through the Teach primary computing certificate. You'll be supported along the way by your peers and experienced teaching professionals.

Residential information:

This is a residential course at the National STEM Learning Centre, York. Meals and overnight accommodation are included for participants for the duration of the course. If you wish to extend your stay in York, bed and breakfast will be available at the centre’s on-site accommodation at a discounted rate of £45+VAT per night. You can email to secure this rate, providing their course booking information and confirming the night(s) they would like to stay.

Who is it for?

Subject leaders in primary computing who are new to the role, or who aspire to move into it.

What topics are covered?

01 | The role of the subject leader –clarify your role, and what is and isn’t the responsibility of the subject leader.

02 | Developing an outstanding curriculum – curriculum intent and implementation, with consideration of age-appropriate progression.

03 | Assessment of computing – Evaluate a range of approaches to assessment of computing, both formative and summative, to drive attainment in the subject.

04 | Monitoring and evidencing progress in computing – develop your knowledge of effective monitoring practices within computing to ensure progression.

05 | Managing change – explore tried-and-tested approaches to help you make positive impacts across your school, making the most of the talent and support available.

06 | Enriching the computing curriculum – discover a range of computing related extra-curricular and enrichment activities. Consider how you will implement those activities that are most suitable for your school.

07| Helping others to teach computing effectively – support other teachers, with confidence, in a range of professional development contexts.

How will you learn?

Hands-on experiential learning with the collaborative support of your peers. You’ll receive expert advice and instruction from experienced classroom practitioners.

Personalised action planning will help you prioritise next steps for you and your school, ensuring you gain maximum benefit from the CPD.

How long is this course?

This residential is two days in duration. You’ll complete approx. 10 hours of CPD.


By the end of this CPD package you will:

  • Be confident in the role and expectations of a computing subject leader
  • Develop and improve your school’s computing curriculum, its intent and its implementation
  • Use assessment to better know the strengths of your learners, and know how to adapt teaching to support all children
  • Implement effective monitoring and evidencing processes across your school
  • Understand the computing curriculum, describing a subject rich in both knowledge and skill development.
  • Know how to implement change in your subject in a way which has a positive impact and brings staff on board
  • support other teachers with greater confidence within a range of professional development contexts

Scheduled courses

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