Embedding working scientifically in the primary science curriculum SL030

Dive into working scientifically, nurture pupils’ curiosity and unlock the potential of scientific enquiry in your classroom.


At the heart of an outstanding primary curriculum lies the practice of working scientifically. This course will equip you with practical and innovative ideas to create engaging and manageable lessons. With a strong focus on scientific enquiry, you will empower children to ask, explore and answers their own questions.

You'll learn how to seamlessly integrate ongoing formative assessment into practical lessons and design a progressive working scientifically curriculum - and you'll leave with a wealth of resources and activities ready for implementation in your school.

Curious but unsure? Try our free taster activity to get a glimpse of what awaits you in the full course. Please note that this short activity can be completed at your convenience.

Who is it for?

Teachers and leaders of primary science

What topics are covered?

  • understanding and developing working scientifically
  • skills progression in working scientifically
  • developing subject knowledge
  • assessment of working scientifically
  • enriching the primary curriculum
  • developing science capital

How will you learn?

High impact, high quality residential CPD at our National STEM Learning Centre in York - delivered by experts - which will transform your teaching practice, and also give you the chance to meet colleagues from across the UK in person.

Fantastic on site accommodation and delicious food is included too.

How long is this course?

2 days


By the end of this course, you will be able to:

  • develop practical and enquiry driven science in the primary classroom
  • enable children to use a variety of approaches to answer relevant scientific questions
  • develop strategies for ensuring progression and assessment of practical science

Scheduled courses

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