A level mathematics and A level physics working collaboratively SL508

Exploring working collaboratively with A level mathematics and A level physics


We know there's significant overlap between the A level mathematics and the A level physics specifications. So in this course, we bring together two teachers from the same school/college -  one with experience of teaching A level mathematics and one with experience of teaching A level physics - to explore working collaboratively.

This is a collaboration between STEM Learning and the Advanced Mathematics Support Programme (AMSP).

Participants will consider:

  • best practice in supporting students apply level 2 mathematics in a level 3 context
  • how mathematics pedagogy can be applied in physics to aid transferability of skills
  • how the use of graphing technology can be used consistently in the teaching and learning of each subject
  • the benefits of using simple practical activities in the mathematics classroom
  • how best to support A level physics students who are not studying A level mathematics
  • topics common to both specifications: implications for schemes of learning.

Who is it for?

The course is designed for one teacher of A level mathematics and one teacher of A level physics to attend together

What topics are covered?

  • Application of level 2 maths in a level 3 physics context
  • The use of physics contexts in A level mathematics lessons
  • A comparison of overlapping content
  • Common practicals
  • The use of graphing technology in mathematics and physics A level

How will you learn?

High impact, high quality residential CPD at our National STEM Learning Centre in York - delivered by experts - which will transform your teaching practice, and also give you the chance to meet colleagues from across the UK in person.

Fantastic on site accommodation and delicious food is included too

How long is this course?

2 days 


By the end of this course, you will:

  • develop awareness of the mathematics requirements in both A level mathematics and A level physics
  • develop strategies to aid students transfer their skills between the two subjects
  • support each other to develop the consistent use of practical activities and technology across both departments
  • develop an action plan to cascade their learning throughout their respective departments

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