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This course will introduce you to the skills, knowledge and understanding of the textiles element of the primary design and technology national curriculum. You will consider National Curriculum requirements, progression and a range of practical activities which enable children to develop their design, skills.Other...
Duration1 Hour
FeesFrom £30.00 + VAT. Fees can vary, see page for more details
SubsidyFrom - £0.00
This course will support you in leading collaborative curriculum planning in a way that values people’s professional views and existing expertise.  You will develop an implementation plan, explore tools to help you to decide on your priorities, enage your team in agreeing a curriulum vision and plan to use...
Duration1 Hour
FeesFrom £30.00 + VAT. Fees can vary, see page for more details
SubsidyFrom - £0.00
Scientific enquiry plays a central role it plays in developing children’s ideas, skills, knowledge and understanding in a way that sustains their natural curiosity.  In this course you will explore examples of simple activities that will help Early Years children to work scientifically.You may also be...
Duration1 Hour
FeesFrom £30.00 + VAT. Fees can vary, see page for more details
SubsidyFrom - £0.00
Explore how play can be linked to science, allowing children to learn about themselves and the world around them, investigate and experience things, and ‘have a go.'You may also be interested in:EYFS: Working scientificallyEYFS: Outdoor learningEYFS: Developing children's scientific vocabulary
Duration1 Hour
FeesFrom £30.00 + VAT. Fees can vary, see page for more details
SubsidyFrom - £0.00
This course will help you to develop your outdoor provision within the EYFS and explore a range of strategies to develop pupils' experiences of scientific enquiry.You may also be interested in:EYFS: Working scientificallyEYFS: Science through playEYFS: Developing children's scientific vocabulary
Duration1 Hour
FeesFrom £30.00 + VAT. Fees can vary, see page for more details
SubsidyFrom - £0.00
Encouraging children to do, think and talk about science is an important part of the Early Years Framework .  Adults have an important and active role in providing opportunities for introducing and practicing science vocabulary to build understanding and promote early scientific thinking.
In this...
Duration1 Hour
FeesFrom £30.00 + VAT. Fees can vary, see page for more details
SubsidyFrom - £0.00
This short online course will support you in meeting the needs of learners with ADHD in science lessons. You may also be interested in:
SEND: Supporting autistic learners in scienceSEND: Supporting learners with dyslexia in scienceSEND: Supporting sight impaired learners in science
Duration1 Hour
FeesFrom £30.00 + VAT. Fees can vary, see page for more details
SubsidyFrom - £0.00
This short online course will support you in meeting the needs of your dyslexic learners in science lessons. You may also be interested in:
SEND: Supporting autistic learners in scienceSEND: Supporting learners with ADHD in scienceSEND: Supporting sight impaired learners in science
Duration1 Hour
FeesFrom £30.00 + VAT. Fees can vary, see page for more details
SubsidyFrom - £0.00
This short online course will support you in meeting the needs of your sight-impaired learners within your science lessons.You may also be interested in:
SEND: Supporting autistic learners in scienceSEND: Supporting learners with ADHD in scienceSEND: Supporting learners with dyslexia in science
Duration1 Hour
FeesFrom £30.00 + VAT. Fees can vary, see page for more details
SubsidyFrom - £0.00
This course explores how to analyse both internal and external examination data to improve student performance, and what the potential pitfalls might be.
Duration1 Hour
FeesFrom £30.00 + VAT. Fees can vary, see page for more details
SubsidyFrom - £0.00
We have all had pupils who have demonstrated their knowledge in lessons through assignments, activities and questioning, who go on to perform poorly in examinations. Many of these students work hard and truly believe they are revising the material effectively.  This course looks at how we can support students...
Duration1 Hour
FeesFrom £30.00 + VAT. Fees can vary, see page for more details
SubsidyFrom - £0.00
We know students struggle to write longer answer questions in science. This ranges from an inability to start resulting in a blank page, through to writing everything they know about a topic and failing to refer back to the question.  This course explores a range of strategies to support students to answer 6 mark...
Duration1 Hour
FeesFrom £30.00 + VAT. Fees can vary, see page for more details
SubsidyFrom - £0.00
Every year the examiner's report highlights a range of issues with how students answered questions. This course will provide you with teaching strategies which can be integrated into the scheme of learning or lesson planning from the start of the year so that your students are better prepared for examinations.
Duration1 Hour
FeesFrom £30.00 + VAT. Fees can vary, see page for more details
SubsidyFrom - £0.00
This online course will help you to be proactive about encouraging good behaviour in your classroom and in responding calmly to poor behaviour. This is a practical course. We will not delve deeply into theory of behaviour, but will focus on what you need to know to manage and improve the behaviour of your...
Duration15 Hours
FeesFrom £85.00 + VAT. Fees can vary, see page for more details
SubsidyFrom - £0.00
Go beyond ‘recipe following’ and use practical work in chemistry to support explanation of theory. It is essential that students studying chemistry are given the opportunity to practice and embed understanding of practical skills in preparation for the assessment of their learning. This online course...
Duration9 Hours
FeesFrom £60.00 + VAT. Fees can vary, see page for more details
SubsidyFrom - £0.00
