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The context of human spaceflight provides an engaging way for learning STEM subjects. There are many topics in the primary science curriculum where you can use the theme of space to engage pupils. For example, designing an astronaut’s space suit can bring in aspects of the science curriculum to do with...
Duration8 Hours
SubsidyFrom - £0.00
Explore the Moon, Mars and deep space with your primary pupils through practical activities and the exciting context of space exploration when teaching the primary curriculum. Learn about current and future space missions, aiming to explore our solar system and beyond. Discover effective ways in which to engage pupils...
Duration7 Hours
SubsidyFrom - £0.00
Scientific enquiry plays a central role it plays in developing children’s ideas, skills, knowledge and understanding in a way that sustains their natural curiosity.  In this course you will explore examples of simple activities that will help Early Years children to work scientifically.You may also be...
Duration1 Hour
FeesFrom £30.00 + VAT. Fees can vary, see page for more details
SubsidyFrom - £0.00
Explore how play can be linked to science, allowing children to learn about themselves and the world around them, investigate and experience things, and ‘have a go.'You may also be interested in:EYFS: Working scientificallyEYFS: Outdoor learningEYFS: Developing children's scientific vocabulary
Duration1 Hour
FeesFrom £30.00 + VAT. Fees can vary, see page for more details
SubsidyFrom - £0.00
This course will help you to develop your outdoor provision within the EYFS and explore a range of strategies to develop pupils' experiences of scientific enquiry.You may also be interested in:EYFS: Working scientificallyEYFS: Science through playEYFS: Developing children's scientific vocabulary
Duration1 Hour
FeesFrom £30.00 + VAT. Fees can vary, see page for more details
SubsidyFrom - £0.00
Encouraging children to do, think and talk about science is an important part of the Early Years Framework .  Adults have an important and active role in providing opportunities for introducing and practicing science vocabulary to build understanding and promote early scientific thinking.
In this...
Duration1 Hour
FeesFrom £30.00 + VAT. Fees can vary, see page for more details
SubsidyFrom - £0.00
This online course will help you to be proactive about encouraging good behaviour in your classroom and in responding calmly to poor behaviour. This is a practical course. We will not delve deeply into theory of behaviour, but will focus on what you need to know to manage and improve the behaviour of your...
Duration15 Hours
FeesFrom £85.00 + VAT. Fees can vary, see page for more details
SubsidyFrom - £0.00
What is learning? How does it work? On this online, self-paced course you try and answer these questions, exploring how you can use the science of learning to inform your teaching and support your students’ learning.Drawing upon educational neuroscience and psychology (and combating neuroscience myths), you will...
Duration12 Hours
FeesFrom £80.00 + VAT. Fees can vary, see page for more details
SubsidyFrom - £0.00
As a teacher who wants to promote the learning of your pupils, you'll want to make evidence-informed judgements and apply a range of approaches to respond and adapt teaching during and in between lessons.  Experts in assessment for learning, Emeritus Professor Dylan Wiliam, Dr Chris Harrison and Andrea Mapplebeck...
Duration12 Hours
FeesFrom £80.00 + VAT. Fees can vary, see page for more details
SubsidyFrom - £0.00
“Learners do not always learn what we teach. That is why the most important assessment does not happen at the end of learning, it happens during the learning, when there is still time to do something with what you find out.” - Dylan Wiliam.This self-paced online course will help you ask better questions...
Duration6 Hours
FeesFrom £50.00 + VAT. Fees can vary, see page for more details
SubsidyFrom - £0.00
Enhance your role as a STEM (science, technology, engineering or mathematics) subject teacher by linking curriculum learning to careers. You will identify how to adapt your STEM curriculum, engaging your students in careers linked to their classroom learning. Learn from experienced educators who have adapted...
Duration12 Hours
FeesFrom £80.00 + VAT. Fees can vary, see page for more details
SubsidyFrom - £0.00
Marking has been identified as an area of excessive workload for teachers, but feedback is crucial for students to improve their understanding.On this course, you’ll explore evidence-based approaches for using written and oral feedback to support student learning without increasing your workload. You’ll...
Duration9 Hours
FeesFrom £60.00 + VAT. Fees can vary, see page for more details
SubsidyFrom - £0.00
The courses in this package will introduce you to the skills, knowledge and understanding of the different elements of primary design and technology, and support you in developing your expertise across the primary design and technology curriculum. You can take the six courses in this package in any order, and work at...
Duration6 Hours
FeesFrom £150.00 + VAT. Fees can vary, see page for more details
SubsidyFrom - £0.00
Developed in partnership with ESERO Ireland and ESERO UK, this course introduces the topic of climate change and the work of the European Space Agency. In this course you’ll explore the difference between weather and climate, as well as how climate is affected by earth process and human factors. You will...
Duration9 Hours
SubsidyFrom - £0.00
On this course, you will explore the ethical, legal, cultural, and environmental concerns surrounding computer science. You will build the skills needed to hold relevant, open, and exciting discussions in the classroom. You will develop strategies to help your students be productive and write long-form answers to...
Duration8 Hours
SubsidyComputing Subsidy up to - £0.00
