Protozoa are single celled organisms with a defined nucleus and live in many different habitats. These animations, from the Wellcome Trust, show how certain protozoa have evolved complex parasitic life cycles to exploit the human body, with serious consequences for health.

Animations look at parasites causing diseases that include:
* Chagas' disease
* Leishmaniasis
* Malaria
* Trypanosomiasis



Showing 4 result(s)

Chagas' Disease Life Cycle

From the Wellcome Trust, these animations illustrate the life cycle of the protozoan parasite that causes Chagas' Disease.

The parasites use a blood-sucking insect called a triatomine as an incubator and vector. The...

Leishmaniasis Life Cycle

Leishmaniasis is a disease caused by protozoan parasite transmitted by the sand fly. Two animations, from the Wellcome Trust, show the life cycle of the parasite.

They illustrate how the leishmania parasites enter the...

Malaria Life Cycle

From the Wellcome Trust, these animations show the life cycle of the malaria parasite. They illustrate how the parasite develops in the mosquito before being transmitted to a human host following a blood meal.


Trypanosomiasis Life Cycle

Two animations, from the Wellcome Trust, illustrate the life cycle of the trypanosomiasis protozoan parasite. They illustrate the journey of these single celled parasites, which cause human African trypanosomiasis or sleeping sickness, from the gut of the tsetse fly...