Educational practices collection

Published by the International Bureau of Education (IBE) in collaboration with the International Academy of Education (IAE), these booklets generally aim to provide a syntheses of research on educational topics of international importance in order to improve learning.  Each booklet describes ten to twelve universally applicable educational principles and the research-based evidence they are based on.




Showing 16 result(s)

Educational practices - Task teaching and learning -improving the quality of education for disadvantaged students

The purpose of this booklet is to describe the central role that tasks play (or, perhaps more accurately, should play) in school learning, particularly in efforts to improve the quality of education for economically disadvantaged children and youth.

This booklet offers a set of eight principles that, when...

Educational practices - understanding the development of intellect

In this booklet the authors outline how the sciences of the learning view intelligence and suggest a programme for instruction that may build upon its various processes.

To understand human intelligence, psychological and cognitive sciences try to specify what cognitive processes are involved in dealing with...

Educational practices: Teaching

This booklet is a synthesis of principles of effective teaching that have emerged from research in classrooms. It addresses generic aspects of curriculum, instruction and assessment, as well as classroom organization and management...

Educational practices - parents and learning

This booklet concerns what parents can do to help their children do well in school.  As schools have been pressed to be more effective and more productive, out-of-school influences on academic learning have escalated in importance. Even where the school day and school year have been lengthened, the amount of time...
