ESERO-UK (the European Space Education Resource Office for the UK) is an education project from the European Space Agency (ESA).

ESERO-UK has been established at the National STEM Learning Centre through funding from ESA and the Department for Education. ESERO-UK promotes space in the UK and the use of space to enhance and support STEM teaching and learning in the UK.

The resources in this collection bring together materials from ESA and other providers to both promote space exploration, and also help teachers and lecturers to use space as an engaging context for teaching and learning in STEM subjects. In addition to its resource collections, ESERO-UK has established a network of space ambassadors across the UK to actively support partners from the space education sector in their work with schools and colleges.

Further information is available from the ESERO-UK website.



Showing 176 result(s)

Assembly: Space Exploration

This assembly resource, from the Association for Science Education (ASE), focuses on whether we need to explore space at all, particularly in view of the vast cost involved. This material is part of the SYCD: Science Year Is There Life? collection.

The aim of the assembly series is to make students more...

Gold Award: Future Travel

These materials look at three possible projects that relate to space exploration:

* Communications project - students gather information about space exploration before making a presentation on the problems to be overcome with past and possible future benefits of space travel

* Practical project -...

How the Leopard Gets Its Spots

The animal kingdom contains an abundance of exquisite natural patterns from the stripes of an angelfish to the spots of a leopard. But how do these arise during early development? This Catalyst article looks at Turing mechanisms as a way of explaining how patterns develop as an animal grows.

In 1952, Alan...

The first human in space was Yuri Gagarin. Since then, humans have 'walked' in space, set foot on the Moon and lived for long periods in orbit on craft like the International Space Station (ISS). This collection contains images, video and other resources that show how humans have explored space.
